Welcome to Worship Shirts
Helping Christians witness to non-Christians
About Us

Worship Shirts was started toward the end of 2006. As a Christian that wanted to witness but wasn't exactly comfortable getting that conversation started, the principal owner of the company felt led to begin designing Christian t-shirts that would not only help him with this stumbling block but also assist fellow Christians in their attempts at witnessing.
The purpose of these shirts is to have a question or saying on the front that will get the person looking at it to ask the person wearing it what it means. This gives the wearer the chance to explain the shirt and break the ice to witness at the same time. And by someone picking out which shirt they wear on a particular day, they can even prepare beforehand with how they will potentially respond to any questions that may arise.
We may not sell very many of these shirts. We may be doing all of this to reach one person. If that's the case, We're OK with it because we know that we are following God's command for us. Then again, you may be the one that needs this to help reach someone. If you are, we hope that it helps you. If it does, we would like to know. Send an email to stories@worshipshirts.com and tell us your story. We may even put it on the website to help encourage others.
May God bless you and keep you.
1 Peter 3:15
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,